Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Speak up…Because we’re listening

Speak Up is a campaign run by the College of Medical and Dental Sciences (MDS) at the University of Birmingham. The service is there to provide a safe, confidential channel for staff to raise any concerns regarding harassment, discrimination, and other work related issues. MDS want to encourage staff to utilise this service, though statistics show that 75% of employees don’t ever come forward to voice their concerns due to lack of trust, fear of confidentiality being broken, and support services feeling clinical and cold. Considering this, I chose to focus my design on the more personable, people-driven nature that Speak Up is all about. My hand-painted illustrations depict individuals conversing casually within safe spaces and environments that look comfortable and feel unimposing. Whether an informal chat on a leisurely stroll, a catch-up over a coffee, or a private conversation in a quiet room, the illustrations suggest that the Speak Up initiative is less about raising the alarm, and more about trust, confidentiality, and support.


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